Ringberg Symposium 2010 on Neurodegeneration in Zebrafish

The Ringberg Symposium on Neurodegeneration in Zebrafish will be kicked off 2010 in the beautiful Castle Ringberg near lake Tegernsee on the 21st of February. We thank CIPSM's Bettina Schmid and Christian Haass for the organisation!

The Collaborative Research Center Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration of the German Research Council (DFG) organizes to the Ringberg Symposium on
³Neurodegeneration in Zebrafish² February 21st - February 23rd.

Experts in the fields of neurodegeneration and zebrafish research will be brought together to discuss the use of zebrafish as a model for neurodegeneration. We will have sessions on all major neurodegenerative disorder such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Frontotemporal
Lobar Dementia, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Prion diseases etc.
Each session will be introduced by an expert in the field followed by presentations of zebrafish researchers. With the help of such interdisciplinary sessions we hope to stimulate new projects and collaborations in the community.




Schloss Ringberg

Schlossstraße 20
83708 Kreuth

Campus Movie 2020


Campus Movie 2012

TU München
Helmholtz München
MPI of Neurobiology
MPI of Biochemistry